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School is Closed - 1/21/2025

WLIS Clubs

Club Name Location For Information Time Requirements to Join Description
Art Club WLIS Contact WLIS Office Monthly Open to all 5th-6th grade students Students meet monthly to create and discuss art.
Band WLIS Contact WLIS Office Monthly Open to all 5th-6th grade students Students meet twice a week during the school day for 45-minute periods in grades 5 and 6.
Battle of the Books WLIS Contact WLIS Office Nov - Feb Open to all 4th-5th grade students Students in grades 4 and 5 work in teams of 4 or 5 to collectively read 10 books and know them well. They compete against other teams in the school. The winning team will compete against other area school teams.
Chess Club Off-Site Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Monthly Open to all 4th-6th grade students Outside group that teaches chess skills
Choir WLIS Contact WLIS Office Monthly Open to all 4th-6th grade students Students in grades 4, 5, and 6 meet for an hour after school twice weekly to sing together. They perform various concerts throughout the year.
Circle the State with Song WLIS Contact WLIS Office Nov-Feb Open to 4th-6th grade students Students try out to participate in this activity. Children in grades 4, 5, and 6 are eligible to sing for this one-day performance.
First Lego Robotics Happy Hollow Contact WLIS Office Sept-Nov Open to all 4th-6th grade students Outside group who teaches First Lego Robotics
German Klub WLIS Contact WLIS Office Monthly Open to all 6th grade students Students learn about the German language and culture from Purdue students who participate in German classes.
Girl Scouts WLIS  Monthly Open to 4th-6th grade girls Girl Scouts hold enrollment meetings each fall. Some troops meet in our school.
Girls on the Run WLIS Contact WLIS Office monthly Feb-May Open to 4th-6th grade students Girls on the Run has fun, evidence-based programs that inspire participants to recognize their inner strength, increase their level of physical activity, imagine their possibilities, and confidently stand up for themselves and others. More information can be found on the website.
Honor Choir WLIS Contact WLIS Office Oct-Jan Open to 4th-6th grade students Selected students can attend a 2 day, 1-night event (usually in Fort Wayne) to learn songs along with other children throughout the state. The students work with a choral leader to perform their concert together on the last day.
IMPact WLIS Contact WLIS Office Monthly Open to 4th grade students A special club to assist students who face math challenges. These students are invited by their teachers to assist them. We try to improve skills in math for struggling learners through play-based learning.
Math Bowl WLIS Contact WLIS Office Dec-March Open to 4th-6th grade students A Math Bowl team is created based on results from an assessment. 4th, 5th, or 6th graders can participate in this competition-based team which is organized by the Indiana Association of School Principals.
Math Counts WLIS Contact WLIS Office Sept-March Open to 6th grade students Students in 6th grade can be assessed to be a part of the Math Counts team. More information is found on their website:
Orchestra WLIS Contact WLIS Office Monthly Open to all 4th-6th grade students 4th, 5th, and 6th graders can participate in orchestra which meets twice weekly during the school day.
Quiet Uninterrupted Education Study Tables (QUEST) WLIS Contact WLIS Office Monthly Open to 4th-6th grade students Students are invited by their teachers to participate in this after-school program 4 days a week to have homework support if this is a hardship for a child due to various reasons.
Scouts WLIS Monthly Open to all 4th-6th grade students Scouts hold enrollment meetings each fall
Spelling Bee WLIS Contact WLIS Office January Open to all 4th-6th grade students A classroom representative is selected to compete with others from our school in a Spelling Bee. The winner of the school competes at the Region Scripts Spelling Bee.
Spelling Bowl WLIS Contact WLIS Office Sept-Nov Open to 4th-6th grade students A Spell Bowl team is created based on results from an assessment. 4th, 5th, or 6th graders can participate in this competition-based team which is organized by the Indiana Association of School Principals.
Stockmarket Simulation WLIS Contact WLIS Office Sept-April Open to 6th grade students Outside group who teach 6th graders using the Stockmarket Simulation program.
Student Council WLIS Contact WLIS Office Monthly Elected students Students elected to serve in the development, promotion, and administration of student affairs.
WLIS Game Club WLIS Contact WLIS Office Monthly Open to all 4th-6th grade students Students can participate in Game Club if they are interested in learning how to play new board and card games with other students.
WLIS Review (digital newspaper)  WLIS Contact WLIS Office Monthly Open to 4th-6th grade students Students work with a school sponsor on writing news stories from around WLIS.