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School is Closed - MLK Day

Media Center Overview

Popular Links

Destiny (WLIS Library Catalog)
AR Book Finder


Link to List of Resources for eLearning--click to see how to access eBooks

Living History Resources

    1. Click on the above link.
    2. At the top of the page click on Databases A-Z.
    3. Two biography sources are listed. (#3 and #4 on the list)
    4. Click on any one of them.
    5. Type in your person's name in the search window.
    6. click on the above link.
    7. Click the big box titled "Indiana Memory" for primary resources.
    8. Search your person's name

Contact Our Library

WL Intermediate School Media Center

1200 North Salisbury Street
West Lafayette, Indiana 47906

Connie Workman, Media Specialist
Brenda Woodard, Library Assistant

Phone: (765)746-0500
Fax: (765) 746-0507

Office Hours:
7:30 AM to 4:30 PM