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School is Closed - Summer Break

Health Services Provided by the School Nurse

School Health Services are Provided by the School Nurse for the Purpose of:

  • care of emergency sickness or injury at school
  • communicable disease prevention and control
  • determination of health needs
  • follow-up and interpretation of health needs to students, staff, & parents
  • maintaining immunization records and compliance
  • medication administration

Parent cooperation is requested in the following situations:

If your child is diagnosed with a medical condition or illness that is contagious or pertinent to their school day please contact the school nurse with that information/doctors note as soon as possible.

  • the flu
  • strep throat
  • pneumonia
  • bronchitis
  • head lice
  • broken bone- release for school and activity from doctor required
  • concussion – release for school and activity from doctor required
  • pink eye
  • impetigo