As part of the strategic planning process, we invite our WLCSC families and community members to participate in either an in-person or virtual focus group hosted by Skybound, our strategic planning partner. Each family and community focus group will last about one hour as participants provide perspectives on follow-up topics derived from the earlier survey. Staff and representative student groups will have the opportunity to participate in focus groups at the school during the school day.

  • Please respond to this form if you would like to participate:
  • Respond by December 17 at 9am to take part in the in-person focus group on December 20. Information about the location of the in-person session will be sent on December 18 to the email address you provide.
  • Respond by January 13 at 9am to take part in the final virtual focus group on January 15. The link to join the virtual session will be sent on January 14 to the email address you provide.
  • We ask that each person planning to participate in a focus group submit a separate form to help us plan for capacity.
We thank those who already participated in the virtual focus groups earlier this month as well as all who responded to the previous survey. All perspectives will help make our final strategic plan even stronger. Thank you!